Monday, June 7, 2010

If You Like Pina Coladas...

We got caught in the rain in that damned Bois de la Cambre yesterday.  (Love the bois when it's sunny, mad at it in the rain...)  We were ducked under a tree until i could not hold the water off any longer, forcing us to find another refuge... and at that point, most of the trees couldn't hold off the rain so we got pretty soaked.  I was thriving on the survivalist element of it all at first, but that got old and we just wanted to the rain to let up so we could leave.  Never have been much for camping and the outdoors...

You can't really tell, but it's raining.  Boy-o, is it raining!

Before our tree sold us out.

This is a window dog who popped out to say hi while we were eating outside at a cafe.  I was tempted to post him on the window kitties site, but I'm trying to keep it real over there.


Possibly the cutest mini in the world.  Sorry, Mini Driver, but it's true.