Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Weekend With Byronius

Nice script.  And good food, too.
Try the snails!

Always with that one.


Building guts.

Or rather of a respect for public property...

Just try this guy;  you ain't gettin' in.

Cows and princes.

Methinks those are ionic?

 The guys above La Perle.

Waiting for the real thing.

And ta-da!

 Getting a picture taken like a couple of tourists.


These mice (or souris, as I ask for them) are the most deliciously adorable sables, which are French butter cookies made with hard-boiled egg yolks.  The orange are, well, orange-flavored and the green are pistachio.  The swirly cookies at back are also sables, with each color of dough being a different flavor.  YUM.

 More scenes of the Marais...