Monday, November 21, 2011

Church Hopping

You know I love an old European church as much as the next guy.  So when the last bank holiday foiled me from getting some delicious mustard from Maille, I decided to pop into some of the nearby churches. (As well as treat myself to some macarons from Laduree.)

First, I hit up Notre Dame de L'Assomption, which is commonly called "The Polish Church."  It sits right on Rue St-Honoré, though I didn't get a shot of its exterior.  (Follow the link for that.)  It is domed, and its stone has darkened according to its years.  I went in expecting to photograph the interior, but it was all prayer business up in there!  Even though my iphone is silent, I felt disrespectful getting it out at all.  So sorry, no shots of the interior.

Next, I hit up the Church of La Madeleine, which sits between Place de la Concorde and Place de la Vendome.  This is a church that commands respect, what with its pillars that don't quit, its surrounding square, and its eponymous metro stop.

I quite like this machine.  It's Jesus-meets-Vegas for a brochure of the history and architecture of the church.  At least I *think* that's what it is.

Sadly, the priest on duty was not that day.  (I guess priests take bank holidays, too.)  I like how his office looks all Barney Miller--check out the lettering and the interior blinds!  I wonder if he's pulled any perps straight outta mass for a talking to in his office?  I picture him as the enforcer of La Madeleine.  Guess that's what Barney Miller blinds inspire in me.