Thursday, October 20, 2011

China Blogging

Check this!  I am in China.  And I am blogging about it!  And not from a mobile device, either!

I am expecting a knock at the door any minute...

I will share with you some random thoughts I have had in the past few days.  And maybe if I get the ol' iPhone attached in the next day or so, I will even have some photos to share.  (Take that, China!)  But until then:

Two separate people asked me if I was Russian yesterday, making me rethink my whole outfit and feel generally insulted. 

I have led multiple conversations on the topic of how European people (and one particular person I work with) think it's OK to stereotype other cultures.  I am a hypocrite. (See above.)

I skipped lunch yesterday and had the best Snickers bar and Oreo cookie I have ever had, even though I am pretty sure they were toxic.

One of the Jolie-Pitt kids is going to turn out bad.  I see Maddox cracked out and talking to whoever's Larry King in 20 years, selling the secrets, selling the secrets.  But maybe it will be Zahara?

There was a mill at the fabric show called Rabbitbaby.  Do you think it was a reference to how quickly they can duplicate things-slash-multiply? Oh, I wanted to give them so much business then and there, but their fabrics were crap.  Boo.

The McDonald's at the Shanghai Expo had a 6-pack of McNuggets with every order.  You could not NOT get McNuggets.  Not-NOT McNUGGETS!

Why does Budweiser still come with a pop-top?  Hello, 1987.

I am starting to think that hairy crab, though a delicious delicacy ('tis the season!), might be more trouble to eat than it's worth.  I seriously stymied a dinner the other night due to my hairy crab inefficiency.  And I cut my fingers up a little bit, too. 

I stayed up late last night to watch the World Sport (no ess, people) report to get the l-d on the World Series and it was the third story in, after two rounds of commericals.  Just a reminder that the World Series is not actually a WORLD event and the Rugby World Cup is.  But I will always care about the World Series more.  (Go Cards!)

I finally got up the nerve to ask why so many Chinese men grow a pinkie-finger nail (or both) so long and was answered with an ear-picking gesture and accompanying sound.  (!)  Though there is some bs about growing it longer than the top joint in the ring finger for luck, it confirmed all my suspicions.  Y-U-C-K.