Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cake Pops... and more!

I had a week-long obsession with cake pops a bit ago.  Izzy came over and we dipped and decorated them, and it's quite a fun activity to do with a younger friend.  I can see how kids can go bananas for this shizz because I was pretty into it, too.

If you don't know about cake pops (or their cousin, the cake ball), then you probably don't pay attention to anything food-related on the interwebs.  All of the domestically inclined websites have been bonkers for these for a while.  Allow me to give you the gist of the cake pop.  It is cake mixed with icing (yes, the icing is already on the inside!  Holy moles!) that is rolled into a ball and dipped in chocolate.  It is some rich business.

I always was put off by them because 99.99% of the recipes are for boxed cake mix/store-bought icing and well, stuff that isn't made from scratch kinda makes my skin crawl.  But I got over it this time in order to have a fun project with our 11-year-old family friend.  I did find a from-scratch recipe here.  This is what I will use from now on.... and you should, too!  From scratch or bust!  Who's with me?!

 New soft-boiled egg holders from Pylones.  The spoon has a mallet on the end to crack the eggshell.  Cutes!  Man, Pylones used to be my special store in Paris... and then I realized that they'd opened stores in NYC.  I love the convenience of the NYC stores, but it seemed more special when it was only in Paris.

An awkward lean from Hilde.