I survived my crazy month of travels! Well, it was basically a crazy 2+ months (shall we just call it a quarter-year?) of travels, as I found when going through my photos this morning. I started off January in California, then back to Stockholm for about a day and then it was off to Shanghai. Then in February there was Paris for PV and weekend funsies, then home to Stockholm for a night and back down to Amsterdam the very next day. (That there's some poor planning on my part. What can I say, I live for the thrills!) Then--what was it?--a week or so home/in the office and then 2 weeks in Shanghai, Seoul, and Indonesia. And now I'm home, and so happy to be here. Thanks to the universe for throwing a missing plane when I'm in that part of the world and about to get on a flight myself. (Ugh, that Malaysian plane business has got me all in a tizzy.) But also, thanks to the universe for testing my limits in a shithole hotel room in the middle of Java island because it wasn't pretty but I TOTALLY SURVIVED. I am going to enjoy every minute of being here in Stockholm (drinking water from the tap, not sweating the mosquitos, speaking English with abandon, snuggling with my kitty...) for the next month. Because then it's off to Prague for Easter!
So here comes the catch-up...