Monday, December 5, 2011


Here I go again, forsaking my blog.

Sure, I've been busy.

I went to the States for Thanksgiving, came back to a shitshow at work, friends in town, another cold (seriously tonsils, you are about to GO!), and a boyfriend here for the weekend.  (Oh, if you aren't up-to-date, my boyfriend took a job in Stockholm and has been there since October.)

But I guess really I've been feeling less-than-inspired.

Blogging regularly is hard work.  Props to all those who do it on the daily (and especially to those who do it on top of a regular job or "real life").  It's similar to my theory on celebrity:  virtually anyone could have a hot bod if it was all you had to do.  If you were "famous" (you know, for being an heiress or making a sex video or whatever other behaviors we are rewarding with celebrity status these days) and your 9-to-5 was simply working out and eating healthy or having your meals delivered?  Sure, you'd look... like a celebrity.  When I was blogging full-time, it was easier in that it was all I did.  I had enough time during the day to wait for the inspiration to hit, for the words to flow easily.  But now, my blogging window is smaller--or less open, as it were.  I'll find myself with a few free minutes, but even if I get as far as opening my laptop, I find inspiration isn't hitting me over the head.

I guess inspiration just hasn't been carrying his stick lately.  Let's hope he brings it along soon.