We've had snow on the ground pretty consistently. There was a big dump of nearly 2 feet the first week of December (if my memory holds), and then flurries consistently enough to ensure the ground cover remains. It is nice. It brightens things up. The trick is avoiding the underlying ice, so I wear rubber kickers most of the time. I've still had a few swervy moments, but have managed to avoid damaging myself yet.
Cochino has been experimenting with new stay-cozy techniques. The other day I found her like this, balancing herself above/on the radiator. How uncomfortably warm she must be.
The other week, we went to Waxholm's Hotel for julboard. We took a boat there for the mid-afternoon seating, then (over-)stuffed ourselves while the day faded to night. It was a great way to celebrate the season with friends before everyone went their separate ways for the holidays.
Round one was a meat plate.
Round two was the fish plate.
And it wouldn't be Christmas without a dressed ham. Long live the Christmas Skinka!