Friday, September 5, 2008

Headed to the opera... the ROCK opera!

This is one of my all-time favorite skirts. I love the ruffled back, trimmed with yellow velvet ribbon. I don't care much for Fornarina anymore--and haven't for a while (Euro-trash, anyone?), but for a shining moment in one girl's post-collegiate life in little ol' St. Louis, Missouri, it was synonymous for being fashion-forward. A few well-chosen pieces (or maybe not so well-chosen, as they were on the SALE rack) at Ziezo, led me to believe in Fornarina. It was my brand. I would check the website on-line, look after the pieces at Saks... though I never bought anything else from them besides this skirt. The skirt still holds after all of these years. The brand? Well, for me, not so much.

Skirt Fornarina, shirt LA Made, Tank Old Navy, necklace Comfort Station, shoes Diesel.

Close-up of the back of the skirt. Love how the velvet ribbons tame the frayed edges. The sumptuousness of the velvet and the raggedness of the skirt have a definite sensuality.

Oh, Diesel, these sandals were good. Other stuff, recently? Again, not so much for me.

My new purchase: a gold cuckoo clock necklace by British designers Comfort Station. I got it at one of my favorite boutiques in SF, Eden & Eden.