Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fancy Gilded Things

We went to see True Grit yesterday (which I really, really liked) on a lark while up in the St. Catherine area.  It was our first time at the UGC DeBrouckere, which may be my new favorite theater in Brussels.

(Yes, Brussels... I'm back in Brussels for the weekend.  Also, I just achieved Gold status on the Thalys train thanks to my taking it so much.  What does this "gold status" mean?  Double miles and a concierge service.  Sounds alright to me!)

Anyway, geddaloada this theater, wouldja?

Gorgeous, right???

It was originally the Eldorado Theater, built in 1933, and one of the largest single-screen theaters ever built in Belgium.  It seated nearly 3000 people and even had air conditioning.  The original decorative reliefs on the walls are incredible, inspired by the Belgian Congo (think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts...).  The giant movie screen seems to float amidst all the gilded fanciness and glow-lighting.  Swanky.  I felt like I should have been more appropriately dressed.

Of course, I have to give a shout out to another stunner of a theater, the fabulous Fox Theater in St. Lou. "Siamese Byzantine", anyone?

The UGC DeBrouckere may be a real stunner, but there's one thing any midwestern mall Wehrenberg (they of the maybe the best cinema jingle ever) has on it:  fountain soft drinks.  The fizz is strictly bottled here in the EU.  I'm not a soda junkie, but I really miss being able to get a fountain soda at the movies over here.